Friday, February 19, 2010

Up all night

By now, I'm pretty much accostomed to my daughter and her sleep routines. She will sleep for one five-hour period everyday - the trick is to make it happen at night, and to make it happen at a time that I will be able to sleep at the same time. It is a good trick, too, since I have suffered with insomnia most of my life. Penelope is already a sleep fighter - she will be completely collapsed in my arms with her eyes just the slightest bit open. I think 'she's asleep, I should put her in her crib NOW!' as soon as I think it... it's over... she's completely awake, punching the air (and her face) with these spasmodic arm movements. So sweet and so annoying.

Anyway, back to my routine... it's 12:09 AM and I'm blogging and Penn is snug as a bug in her crib. I'm hoping this will be the five hour sleep - if I'm lucky, I will get to spend four of those hours in my own bed. Hour five is a wash now that I'm on the computer. I'll simply have to check ebay for a stroller and do some facebooking as my computer time is few and far between these days. Ahhh... the joys of motherhood. It's wonderful and scary and frustrating and miraculous all at the same time.