Okay, so I was watching Dr. Oz today and he was saying that the average woman today can decrease her chance of having a heart attack by 50% and her risk of developing type II Diabetes by 60% simply by losing ten pounds. Just 10 lbs! That is amazing to me.
I can lose ten pounds. I've lost ten pounds before. Most recently when I was pregnant. I had to quit eating sugar and I lost weight. When I delivered Penelope I was (almost) instantly 30 pounds lighter than before I was pregnant and she only weighed 8 lbs.
I know this can be done. So I intend to go on a sugar free diet and a low carb diet. This will be more than just cutting out sugar and carbs for a little while, this will be for the rest of my life. My husband always says, "if you don't eat it now you will be able to enjoy it later." I think this is the best motto to eat by. I don't really want to give anything up forever - I don't think that's right and I like food (sweets) too much to give them up indefintely. But I can severely limit my intake.
Wish me luck!