Monday, July 11, 2011

High School Reunion

That's right, folks. My 20 year high school reunion is this weekend and I'm just freaking out about it, or at least I was.

Most of the time I know how awesome I am. I feel confident about who I am and who my family is and I know that we are great. But somehow, faced with this marker in time, I'm getting really thrown and shaken. All of a sudden, I feel middle aged. I just don't want to have to think about my mortality.

The reunion itself should be a blast. I'm going out to look for a dress tomorrow and I'm really excited about seeing all my old pals in one place. It's all the thinking about it that gets to me. I'm doing a lot better since I decided to go - last week, when I was still undecided, I had two panic attack days. Friday was the worst. Panic attacks all morning. I thought, I'll take Penn to the aquarium and that will be healthy for me - getting out in the sun and walking around. Well... the aquarium was fine. It was when we came home and I put her down for a nap that things spiraled out of control. My jaw was clenched and I started to cry and couldn't stop. I finally called my sister and talking helped a lot. I also needed to take a multivitamin and an iron pill. I just forget how much of the symptoms are chemical.

I've felt great since getting back on track with my vitamins. I also bought some melatonin today and I took that for the first time tonight. It seems to be working right now. My eyes are closing as I type.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Working on making my third quilt top. I also purchased fabric for my fourth quilt top. I really want to make about 8 quilts to have for sale at the baby fair in November - along with knit blankets and knit luvy buddies.

I am having a bit of trouble in the layout of my crazy 9patch block quilt. I made only 18 crazy 9patch blocks and can't really figure out a way to lay them out so they look nice. I wanted to have at least two for the pieced back, but I may have to put them all on the front. Ugh! If I had only made 27 blocks, I could use a lattice-type layout.

I'm excited to start working on the next quilt top. It's a lot of greens. I'll be making 36 blocks. Six different block designs of 6 different  color combinations. It's really going to be exciting. The quilt top after that might just be a scrappy quilt with leftover fabrics that I have hanging around.

Need to figure out a layout tonight. I really wanted to be sewing right now.


Thursday, June 2, 2011


I finally got some cleaning done yesterday. My blog inspired me to vacuum and mop. Today was another story. I had to go to the MVD to renew my drivers license and the guy came to hook up my swamp cooler.

It has been around 87 degrees in my house for days. It was so cold that our heater came on last week, and then the end of last week and this whole week it has been downright HOT in the house. It is finally relaxing in our home as the temperature is coming down. Ahhhh.... I'm watching my husband napping on the couch right now.

Tomorrow I'm going to get started working on cleaning/organizing the sun room in the back of my house. I think I need to put up the sun guard on the windows so that that room is usable.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Gratitude Two

Part of feeling grateful for the things I have is taking care of these things and maintaining them to the best of my ability. I will demonstrate this new acknowledgment of my gratefulness by cleaning my house - at least starting to clean my house. I will start today by vacuuming and mopping the kitchen and living room floors. I will have a lot of cleaning to do in the next few weeks in preparation for my mother-in-law's visit (June 18th), but today, just a little maintenance is needed. My daughter's favorite blanket is completely covered in pet hair everyday since it is the shedding season. Both the cat and the dog (and mom) are shedding their hair at an alarming rate while the weather is heating up. We are all prepping for a hot summer.
So, today I'm grateful for my sweet, little house. It is not my dream house, but we do own it and it provides shelter and a respite from the rest of the world. It is a pleasure to curl up in the living room with a raging fire and a nice movie on a cold, windy winter night. And in the summer we have a lovely vegetable garden in the back where we grow tomatoes, squash and large, happy sunflowers. I'm still hoping for another great haul of pumpkins, since each year our efforts are thwarted by the squash bugs, but we do try. The front yard will have lovely, fragrant flowers: day lillies, marigolds, gerbera daisys and peonys.
Thank you, little blue house, for keeping us safe, warm and relaxed. For giving us a place to rest our heads each night and a place to plan and dream for our future.


Grateful One

So I've been thinking about all the things that I need to be grateful for. Starting with my wonderful husband. He is always thinking about what to do to make our lives together better. He is thoughtful and caring and wants the best for our family. I know that I can always count on him to be responsible for us and he goes above and beyond for us even when it is difficult for him.
Next, I'm so grateful that my daughter has come into my life. She is so happy and she smiles with her whole body. It is lovely to see her learning and growing. She has recently started saying "Mama" and she has the sweetest voice I have ever heard. I look at her with amazement everyday and I am so thrilled that she is mine.

to be continued...


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Haven't blogged in a while

No... I haven't blogged in a while. I've been very busy. I've been learning to quilt. Trying to read 10 books a year (I've already read three this year: Slam!, Uncharted TerriTORI, Tales of a Bollywood Love Theif). I've been knitting a lot to try and get my etsy store launched. AND, I started an event planning business with my friend. So... I've been busy. I just need to incorporate blogging into that stuff. Oh, I also started a blog about my event business and I did write a couple of blogs for that. I also started up a mommyblog that kinda goes with my event planning business. I guess I just feel the need to justify myself.

I'm also trying to figure out this twitter-thang. It's really confusing to me. I just don't know why anyone would subscribe to my tweets. I am witty and occasionally have something to say in 160 characters or less, but not that often. It's fun to follow celebrities and get to see into their lives. Anyway... if anyone knows how to do that tweeting, let me know what to do.



I just came across this fabulous blog: craftopotamus. It is a blog about crafting and quilting. She is giving away a quilt that is just fabulous. You must see it and enter to win.
