Saturday, April 21, 2012

Reading and books and Star Trek

Okay, so every year I set a resolution (or a goal really) of reading 10 books. Last year, I don't even know that I read one book...(Fine! um... I did read one. It was by Tori Spelling, so I don't think it counts, hmmmm?... Anna, you'll have to weigh in on this). So this year I've started off well and I've read four already - I'm on track to meet or exceed my goal. Here is the list of books I've read as well as some that I'd like to read for 2012.
  • The Help - loved it. Hated the movie.
  • The Hunger Games - loved it. Haven't seen the movie (for reason, see above)
  • Catching Fire - loved it.
  • Mockingjay - liked it.
The next book I'm planning to start is The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz and I'm waiting on Fifty Shades of Grey from the library so I can get my mommy-porn on.

I think I will hold off on my book reading until I can watch the Star Trek (Original Series) movies, which I have never seen. Got a date with the Shat, and my Saturday popcorn (yum!)


  1. The first movie has a great premise...but it sucks....the rest get awesome. Could I suggest some non-fiction to your list?

    1. Certainly. Please do. I can't promise - I don't always make it through non-fiction, but I am always up for suggestions.
