Thursday, April 30, 2009


Some photos from our trip to Hawaii April 2009.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Edward Would Never Do That

So... like many women I have become completely obsessed with the Twilight saga. I have read the books (twice). I purchased the DVD when it came out... let's just say I'm very familiar with the series.

Last year for my birthday, my husband wrote a blog for me telling of the top moments in our lives together. It was really sweet. I read it whenever I was having a bad day, or just wanted to be reminded of my lovely life with my husband.

This year, my husband was looking for a job and decided to erase all of his blogs one day without telling me. Many of them had been moved to his myspace page so they weren't lost to the world, but the one he wrote for me was. I was asking him one day if he was planning to blog again and he told me, "yes, but I erased all the old blogs." I asked him if he erased the blog that he wrote for me and he said, "oh, yeah. I did." I thought about it for a second and told him, "Edward would never do that."

I don't want my husband to be exactly like Edward Cullen. Who could stand to have anyone around that was so perfect - it is our flaws that give us life. And, luckily for my husband, I was able to retrieve that lovely blog he wrote for me.
