Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Haven't written in a while

I'm almost finished with my Kaleidoscope quilt. It has been challenging because I didn't really start out with an idea for the back. I knew I wanted to do a pieced back since I like the reversibility of having a pieced back. It is a nice surprise to flip your quilt over and have it be just as spectacular as the front, but not having a clue as to what to do was a little difficult.  I took last week off, basically to think about what i needed to do for the back. I decided to just make it really scrappy using all the fabric scraps from the front of the quilt. I also added in a few new patterns in the same black, grey, white, gold color combination that I found but didn't have the yardage to use any other way. I also found another fabric  that i had a decent quantity of that also incorporates a bold red. I like that there is another color on the back. I got a stripe fabric with predominately golds/oranges with some blue and also black for the binding. Now i just have to finish piecing the back and the quilt it. UGH!
I'm so ready to move onto my next project which is going to be small - mug rugs. There is a craft fair at work where the money goes to the Children's Hospital that I really want to donate to. I thought I could whip up a few mug rugs this weekend for that event next week. I also want to make one for my mother-in-law. I thought I could send her a mug rug a mug and some nice cookies for her birthday at the end of this month which is just around the corner.
I'm totally looking forward to making something small that I can finish in a few hours. It will be quite a different experience than I have been having lately on the ole sewing machine.

I'm also reading the Fifty Shades series. Sometimes it is difficult to get to work sewing when all I want to do is read. Reading these books also makes me want to do something else that I really need to make time for.There really needs to be more hours in the day.
