Monday, September 13, 2010

Sugar Bad

Okay, so I was watching Dr. Oz today and he was saying that the average woman today can decrease her chance of having a heart attack by 50% and her risk of developing type II Diabetes by 60% simply by losing ten pounds. Just 10 lbs! That is amazing to me.

I can lose ten pounds. I've lost ten pounds before. Most recently when I was pregnant. I had to quit eating sugar and I lost weight. When I delivered Penelope I was (almost) instantly 30 pounds lighter than before I was pregnant and she only weighed 8 lbs. 

I know this can be done. So I intend to go on a sugar free diet and a low carb diet. This will be more than just cutting out sugar and carbs for a little while, this will be for the rest of my life. My husband always says, "if you don't eat it now you will be able to enjoy it later." I think this is the best motto to eat by. I don't really want to give anything up forever - I don't think that's right and I like food (sweets) too much to give them up indefintely. But I can severely limit my intake.

Wish me luck!


1 comment:

  1. You can do it, Green. I was never much of a calorie counter, but I do it when I want to drop a few lbs. Think about starting an account at You can just enter the foods you're eating, and the exercise you get in, and it calculates it all for you on the My Plate feature. I'm really good at dropping 10 lbs, (and even better at gaining it back, ech!), so if you want any help, I'm here for you!

