Friday, September 4, 2009

21 weeks

So... It's been a lot of weeks since I last posted something. I have continued to be sick just about every morning during the last fourteen weeks. It is rather unpleasant, but something I've come to rely upon. If I don't have morning sickness I worry what time of day the puking will start - since it has to happen sometime.

I had my 20 week ultrasound last week. The tech was supposed to be able to determine the sex. Baby wouldn't cooperate, so all we know is, it's a girl? I'm going to call the baby "she" and "her" until I hear otherwise. If said baby does, indeed, turn out to be a girl, her name will be Penelope.

I'm a little bit worried to have a girl. I know that my daughter will learn from me and be like her father and me, but I know how girls are... I have lived in the world. I see them on MTV and Gossip Girl - it really scares me. Boys seem so much.... I don't know what the word is... simpler, maybe. Boys seem to have an easier time making friends and they don't play the same games that girls do. I worry not so much that my daughter will play those games and act in a "girly" kind of way, but I worry that she won't fit in with the others and that she will be an outcast among the other girls.

I guess I shouldn't be worried about these things yet. I should just concentrate on what is going on now and staying healthy and baking this baby up good. I have plenty of time to worry about other stuff when I she starts school - eek!


  1. I totally know what you mean about the girl thing. It scares me too. BUT I remind myself that I was not a 'typical' girl and turned out OK. Our girls (or boy) WILL BE OK. :)

  2. I can tell you from experience Green, that the worry never goes away. I freaked when Mahaila told me she would not wear leggings b/c then she will be ugly. Of course her tastes are constantly changing so I know that she is just expressing herself, but I still freak because I worry that she will have a horrible self-image and give into peer pressure and if she is like this at 5 what the hell will she be like at 15...but then I remember that she is only 5 and I have a lot of talking left to do and a lot of examples left to show. And then when she says "Mommy I love you so much I don't ever want to leave you" and my heart melts and I know she'll be ok b/c she will never, ever move out!!
