Friday, October 16, 2009

I'm learning so much

As I'm approaching my due date (Jan. 11, 2010) I'm learning more and more things about pregnancy and nursing. I have to obtain special "nursing clothes"; nursing bras and nursing pajamas. I just found out about a product called "Milk Band" that helps you remember which breast you used to feed your baby from the last time. I had no idea I would need a system to remember this, seemingly vital, information. I'm a smart girl - I have a college degree, but I guess in a sleep deprived state I will require this type of reminder. Here is a quick list of some important information that I have acquired:
  • Women cannot sell breastmilk. They can donate it to a milk bank and then the milk bank turns around and sells it to people for $3.00/ounce.
  • You can, however, find buyers on the internet and illegally sell breastmilk online for whatever price you deem appropriate.
    • interesting note - the largest consumer base for illegally sold breastmilk is men (this creeps me out).
  • Nursing tops are confusing  - they have holes in strange places.
  • Belly salves don't work in preventing stretch marks. Stretch marks are hereditary (in my case, I have them but my mom did not - lucky for me!)
  • Baby Bjorns are not the same as baby slings and baby slings, being one piece of fabric sewed together to make a circle - are expensive.
    • All baby accoutrements are expensive - maternity clothes are the worst. I just saw a pair of maternity jeans online for $198.00 - if I paid that much money, I better be able to fly when I wear those.
  • Maternity tops are not made for women that have large breasts to begin with. This is counterintuitive thinking to me because, it would seem, that the women with the largest hooters would be more likely to get knocked up.
  • Gestational diabetes sucks!!!! (see previous post)
There are so many new things to learn and so many ways that I can fail. If I failed before I only hurt myself - in a few months, I will fail that tiny creature that swishes around in my belly, too. I know she will forgive me (heck, she may not even notice), but I will know. I want to do this mothering-thing correctly. I want to be good at it.


  1. Remember that in making mistakes you will be teaching that tiny creature how to deal with them, learn something and then move on. Don't beat yourself up about mistakes because they will happen, just acknowledge and move on:)

  2. This is utterly fascinating, educational, and heartfelt. I don't think there's anyone from whom I'd rather learn about pregnancy.

  3. You will be a great mom Green! Dont you worry! And remember, knowledge is power, and you are a smart girl, which will be passed on to Penelope. She will be amazing! Just like her momma! :)
